Papers associated with the software
Lanos, Ph. and Philippe, A. (2018) ‘Event date model: a robust Bayesian tool for chronology building’, Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods, 25(2), pp. 131–157. doi:10.29220/CSAM.2018.25.2.131.
Lanos, Ph. and Philippe, A. (2017) ‘Hierarchical Bayesian modeling for combining dates in archeological context’, Journal de la Société Française de Statistique, 158(2), p. 17.
Lanos, Ph. and Philippe, A. (2015) ‘Event model: a robust Bayesian tool for chronological modeling’.
Tsirtsoni, Z. (2020) Dikili Tash, village préhistorique de Macédoine orientale II Volume 2: Histoire d’un tell: les recherches 1986-2016. Athens: Ecole Francaise d’Athenes
Albore Livadie, C. and Vecchio, G. (2020) Nola-Croce del Papa: un villaggio sepolto dall’eruzione vesuviana delle Pomici di Avellino. Napoli [i.e. Naples]: Centre Jean Bérard (Collection du Centre Jean Bérard, 54)
Méhault, R. (2017) ‘Applying a Bayesian Approach in the Northeastern North American Context: Reassessment of the Temporal Boundaries of the “Pseudo-Scallop Shell Interaction Sphere”’, Canadian Journal of Archaeology / Journal Canadien d’Archéologie, 41(2), pp. 139–172.
Binder, D. et al. (2017) ‘In pursuit of a missing transition: the Mesolithic and Neolithic radiocarbon chronology at La Font-aux-Pigeons rockshelter’, Antiquity, 91(357), pp. 605–620. doi:10.15184/aqy.2017.65.
Devismes, D. et al. (2016) ‘KArMars: A Breadboard Model for In Situ Absolute Geochronology Based on the K-Ar Method Using UV-Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry’, Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 40(4), pp. 517–532. doi:10.1111/ggr.12118
Banks, W.E. (2015) ‘Constructing chronologies for the late Middle Paleolithic and Upper Paleolithic: limitations and means to overcome them’, World Archaeology, 47(4), pp. 585–600.
Vaschalde, C. et al. (2014) ‘La datation des structures de cuisson : Intégration de l’archéomagnétisme et du radiocarbone, apports de l’anthracologie’, Archeologie Medievale, 44, pp. 155–170. doi:10.4000/archeomed.8196
Perrin, T. (2014) ‘Le délicat séquençage du Chasséen méridional’, in Perrin, T. et al. (eds) Le Chasséen, des Chasséens\ldots Retour sur une culture nationales et ses parallèles, Sepulcres de fossa, Cortaillod, Lagozza. Actes du colloque international. Le Chasséen, des Chasséens: retour sur une culture nationale et ses parallèles, sepulcres de fossa, Cortaillod, Lagozza, Paris, France: Archives d’Ecologie Préhistorique, pp. 437–455